Represents the Api class.
Name | Type | Description |
Sheets | Array | Returns the Sheets collection that represents all the sheets in the active workbook. |
ActiveSheet | ApiWorksheet | Returns an object that represents the active sheet. |
Selection | ApiRange | Returns an object that represents the selected range. |
Comments | ApiComment[] | Returns all comments related to the whole workbook. |
FreezePanes | FreezePaneType | Returns or sets the type of freeze panes. |
AllComments | ApiComment[] | Returns all comments from the current workbook including comments from all worksheets. |
ReferenceStyle | ReferenceStyle | Returns or sets the reference style. |
WorksheetFunction | ApiWorksheetFunction | Returns an object that represents the function list. |
PivotTables | ApiPivotTable[] | Returns all pivot tables. |
- CreateParagraph
- CreateRun
- CreateRGBColor
- CreateSchemeColor
- CreatePresetColor
- CreateSolidFill
- CreateLinearGradientFill
- CreateRadialGradientFill
- CreatePatternFill
- CreateBlipFill
- CreateNoFill
- CreateStroke
- CreateGradientStop
- CreateBullet
- ReplaceTextSmart
- CreateTextPr
- GetFullName
- Format
- AddCustomFunction
- AddCustomFunctionLibrary
- RemoveCustomFunction
- ClearCustomFunctions
- AddSheet
- GetSheets
- SetLocale
- GetLocale
- GetActiveSheet
- GetSheet
- GetThemesColors
- SetThemeColors
- CreateNewHistoryPoint
- CreateColorFromRGB
- CreateColorByName
- Intersect
- GetSelection
- AddDefName
- GetDefName
- Save
- GetRange
- GetWorksheetFunction
- GetMailMergeData
- RecalculateAllFormulas
- InsertPivotExistingWorksheet
- InsertPivotNewWorksheet
- GetPivotByName
- RefreshAllPivots
- GetAllPivotTables
- attachEvent
- detachEvent
- AddComment
- GetCommentById
- GetComments
- GetAllComments
- SetFreezePanesType
- GetFreezePanesType
- GetReferenceStyle
- SetReferenceStyle
- GetDocumentInfo